This post is going to take a break from art and photography, and instead looking at the film 'Wristcutters - A Love Story (2006)'.
Love stories and many other films follow the conventional Todorov's Theory, this structure is made up of five stages -
Equilibrium - all is normal in the start.
Disruption - Something changes the equilibrium that we see at the start.
Recognition - Realising that the balance has been upset.
Attempt - To put things back as they were
Reinstatement - Of the equilibrium, but with changes as a result of the reinstatement of the equilibrium.
The film is set in a parallel, mundane world - Limbo. Reserved for only those that have committed suicide.
The film opens with the main charter Zia sat in his room after the break up of Zia and his girlfriend. The room is a mess and it is clear that he has given up, however he then performs a pre-suicidal ritual and cleans the whole room, before leaving for the bath room and slitting his wrists.
The film then moves into Limbo, were Zia hears that his ex-girlfriend has also committed suicide after hearing about Zia's death. Zia then makes it his mission in death to find her and be together once again. He sets off with his Russian friend Eugene, on the way they pick up a hitchhicker - Mikal a girl who believes that she is there by mistake and didn't mean to 'Offed' her self.
The film its self could be miss-interpreted as condoning suicide, however it simply explores the idea of life after death, love and miracles.
The world is very much a dystopia of the common ideas of life after death, everything is dead, mundane and no one can smile.
The love story eliment comes from Zia looking for his deceased ex-girlfriend, however Zia and Mikal become close and in the end Zia's chasing for his 'one' turns out to be in vain.
There are many different meaning's to the film, life after death, fate, not to waste your time chasing something that is lost and most of all a second chance. In love and life.

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