Murmur - Richard Barnes, 2005 |
The work of Richard Barnes looks at the patterns of starlings as they fly. These patterns are known as a 'Murmur'. As the birds fly the create synchronised motions though out the sky, as they do this they are feeding covering large amounts of sky as they do. What makes this work is that its simple and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. A work that requires looking and studying.
This work was a reminder of the work of Rinko Kawauchi and her work Murmuration. The work was created for BPB 2010 (Brighton Photo Biennial). Kawauchi produced this body of work along with Stephen Gill and Alex Soth. Each artist was curated to create images as their views of Brighton. Each artist looked at Brighton in very different ways.
Murmur - Richard Barnes, 2005
Rinko Kawauchi Murmuration |
"Acclaimed Japanese photographer Rinko Kawauchi has been drawn to the spectacle of flocking starlings at Brighton Pier. Here during the winter months at dusk, the birds gather in their tens of thousands, wheeling around to create a mesmerizing swirling cloud called a murmuration. Kawauchi is fascinated by the ephemeral nature of this phenomenon and, continuing with the theme of the flock, she has also trailed groups of people through the city. This commission, her first in the UK, is supported by funding from The Japan Foundation, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and The Daiwa Anglo – Japanese Foundation." - http://www.bpb.org.uk/exhibitions/9148/bpb-curated-strange-familiar-three-views-of-brighton/
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