Tuesday 20 November 2012

Dinah Fried - Famous Meals from Literature

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 
Alice in Wonderland 
The Catcher in the Rye 
Oliver Twist 

Eszter Burghardt

After being uninspired for a while I began looking for new and exciting art, insulation or photography, this is when I discovered the work of Eszter Burghardt, her work is different to anything else that I have seen through the use of macro. The way that she makes you believe that these spaces and landscapes are real, with the use of tilt shifts and high use of macro lens and filters. 

The images have both come from different bodies of work, the first comes from the series Wooly Sagas, while the second comes from the series Edible Vistas. All her work can be found here.




Mehmet Ozgur Smoke Art

While looking for inspiration for some of my own work I came across the work of Mehmet Ozgur and his work. As you might know his work is some what like the smoke art that I created in Photoshop some time ago. 
His work is magic, creating a serial and dream like state with in his images. What drew me to the work was the second image, this was the first that I ever saw. From here I looked into more of his work only to find that each image become more and more complex with new and exciting ways of capturing smoke in different forms. 
You can find more of his work here

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Jules Ober Textured Landscape

While taking in part in an Adobe on-line course I have been able to read and take part in the weekly forums. While looking through I came across these images by Jules Ober. 

His images are cut into long rectangles are the area of the detail in the image. What makes these images is the way that you focus on one area of the image, the bamboo or the grass. The work really is more aesthetic then meaningful, but the way that your attention is captured works for the images very well.