Wednesday 7 March 2012

The Arnolfini Gallery

The Arnolfini Gallery - Bristol 
Sophy Rickett - To the River 

The recent work of Sophy Rickett is a audio visual piece of work that is based on the natural occurring Seven Bore phenomena, however this is not a series of images documenting the Seven Bore but a video piece that looks more at the reactions of the spectators of this event. 

Thought out the audio visual work there are conversations record of the people with in the crowds, while this audio is played in the centre of the room three screens alternate between fragments of footage of people on a dark cold night waiting for the Seven Bore. The room that hosts the footage is dark, putting you into the situation of the people on the river bank. 
In order to understand this work  you need to stand and immerse your self within the conversations to pick out the different stories that are being told in the darkness. While in the exhibition you cant help but feel that you have been swallowed up into a different world, and that you have intruded on other peoples private lives. 

Why is it that when we are in the dark we feel as though the people around as can't hear us, just because we are been seen or viewing people we are aware of their eye contact, but once we are in the dark we loose this sense. Thus this makes the piece of work very intimate between viewer and participator in the video. 

On top of this, the experience is very intense, there is a feeling of pressure and tension on top of the anticipation of the spectators of the Seven Bore. The overlapping of the voices gives a very claustrophobic feel, almost as if the people are shouting at you all at once while you try to deciphered the codes in what they are saying to you.

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